QA Only Feature #
The QA Only feature is a useful tool for preventing unintended test launches for live site visitors. By selecting this checkbox, only individuals using the “nantu_mode=off” query parameter will be able to access the test.

Experiment Name #
Enter a descriptive name for your experiment into the relevant field. This name is restricted to a maximum of 20 characters, in order to avoid compatibility issues with the character limits enforced within GA4 custom dimensions.

Test Index #
To avoid data overlap with other active tests, each experiment requires a unique test index.

Test Window Selection #
The Test Window feature allows you to target new users by using GA’s timestamp cookie. If the test should be applicable to all users, leave this unchecked. However, to target only new visitors, check the box and select the relevant first-visit date range.

Start Date #
This option becomes available when the Test Window is activated. It allows only users whose first site visit was on or after the selected date to participate in the test.

End Date #
This determines that only visitors whose first site visit occurred on or before the selected date are eligible to participate in the test.

Domain Selection #
Determine the test’s operable domain or subdomain. Nantu Tests utilise localStorage API to track user variation selections, therefore they are confined to a single domain.

Variations Table #
Here, the different test variations can be established – both the name of each individual variant and its dedicated user traffic.

Variation ID #
For the variation ID, select from the available options: control, variation1, variation2, or variation3, etc. You can create up to 99 variations.

Variation Name #
Enter a suitable name for the variation. To comply with GA4 custom dimension specifications, this name is restricted to 12 characters maximum.

Variation Weight #
Adjust the selection likelihood for each variation. If all variants have equal weighting, there is an equal chance of selection for each. If a variant weight is double that of another, it will have twice the chance of being assigned.