This American-owned and operated cigar eCommerce business has been selling premium cigars, samplers, humidors, and accessories for over 25 years.
The test ran in November 2017.
With such a wide selection, it has a variety of ways to sort its products. However, one sorting option is missing: Value. As a business that takes pride in offering the best value for its products, Value is a criterion that will help it prove its USP.
Conversion Team created a new page with products that were sorted by a new formula: Highest Rating + Lowest Price, resulting in a “Best Value Cigar!” page on the website. The placement of this page will be in the Navigation bar.
Since the Highest Rating is part of the formula to make the Best Value page, it made sense to link to the Best Value page in the Rated page copy.
The test version had a 5.1% increase in conversion rate along with a 7.1% increase in revenue per visitor. For returning visitors who make up a large portion of the site revenue, the increase was over 100%.
Though the sample size was small, the client was happy with the results and decided to implement the winning version.